Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Who is this Crazy Teacher?

In the beginning of the year, I walk into the classroom, and there is NOTHING on the walls, NOTHING on the desks. Before I walk in the classroom this crazy teacher makes us take off our shoes, why?? The first thing that pops into my head is "what the heck is wrong with this lady?". She tells us that it is because we are like a home, a family. You don't walk into your house with your shoes on. Later on in the next week I walk in and there are beautiful lanterns hanging from the ceiling, real lush green plants, bamboo and curtains, scented candles, my point is that it was no longer a classroom, but now it is a real home. I soon begin to realize that this teacher is not a crazy person, but an amazing teacher that totally and completely understands gate kids. She does not make us take notes, we do not take tests unless needed to, everyday there is music playing. Somedays in her class it is really fun, and other days i hate her class. But either way I learn more in her class than I do any other class. Maybe in this class we don't take notes or have homework every night, but we have brain warmups and weekly assignments on icons of depth and complexity. Now, it is the end of the first trimester, and I and 3 other students decide to be in her "tech" class. We are planning an exhibition. We try to teach people that students don't think of cell-phones as a piece of technology. People don't take a pen out of their binders and say "oh my goodness it's a pen! Be very careful, it's a piece of technology!" It's just a pen. We help other teachers at our school how to use the computer, how to "master" the macs so we can use them in our classrooms. She understands that gate kids do not think like regular kids. We are different, and that doesn't have to be a bad thing! In fact, that IS a good thing!! It doesn't have to be frustrating and confusing. We should not have to settle for things that are not what we want. We can be creative, we can make a difference and there are people and teachers who WANT to do things in a different way. - Karley

1 comment:

  1. Karley... You are amazing! You have LEARNED SO MUCH!!! The best is still to come because during the last trimester, YOU will be creating the information and the assignments and telling YOURSELF what you need to do for "homework". I'm so proud to walk with you on your journey! ;)
