Thursday, March 4, 2010

Coincidence or Confirmation of Mandated Mission?

Two weeks ago I gave up.

I gave up worrying about how I make my dream work.  I gave up worrying about the money, the time, and finding the resources and people necessary to make it happen.

I embraced the crazy idea that if my dream was truly of value everything I needed - training, people, money to take classes

The kids fell asleep late that night, two Friday's ago, and at 9:30pm I started putting my thoughts, concerns, musings, and dreams in a note on my Facebook page.  The idea was not to edit, not to formally publish - just to write a note to myself and anyone else who might take the time to read it, errors and all.  I included my overall goals, ideas for what I want to model for my students, a brief overview of the process by which these might happen, my purpose for changing the way education works, and drafted a list of people that I felt would be excellent mentors for me and my students on our journey.

I posted the note at 5:30 on Saturday morning.  Emotionally high, I saw a few friends online and asked if they'd take some time and read my note.

The response I got was personally validating.  I didn't expect to hear that I had written anything profound or earth-shattering.  But the comments and email that I received made my heart sing.  I'm on to something. I get it.

Since then, I've been invited to attend The Heritage Institute's Earth, Justice and Spirit program and have connected with several of the people I listed as potential mentors. who are now confirmed.  Some even have nicknames for themselves based on my vision of work and how their own expertise relates.

Today, I sat at the corner of the Bloggers'Cafe and notice that two feet away from me is a very familiar looking man.  A lady begins talking to him and refers to him as Steve.  Ah!  Steve Hargadon!  Unabashedly I introduced myself and tell him that I'm waiting for him to agree to be one of my mentors!  We talk and share ideas and I know there's a connection.  We'll talk more.

Two minutes later, Robert Craven walks past and again, without reservation I introduce myself, explain why I'm so brazen and share my ideas with him, too.  He asks me to send the note to him and hands me his card.

I'm tingling and I know my "spirit is shimmering" - to quote my North Star Mentor, Peter H. Reynolds.

As I wrap up this post - just after Steve's brilliant sharing about social network and the future of education according to Students 2.0, I know I am fulfilling my personal mandated mission.  Not because I'm forcing anything - but because I listened to myself, to my dreams.

And I gave it up to those who would help me make it happen.

Blessings abundant.

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